Browns Bar Bible - Update 04/2023


In your specs, you will read certain terminology which describes how to make your drinks. It is vital to the quality of our drinks that we get these right every time..

SHAKE • Fill Boston Glass wit ingredients and ice • Seal shaker with the tin • Never shake towards a Guest! • Shake until condensation is formed on the tin – this shows the drink is cool enough STRAIN • We strain cocktails because we either want no ice (e.g. Martinis), or fresh ice (almost always recommended), or when we do not want a certain ingredient (such as torn mint leaves) in the finished drink. • When you use with this strainer, you will want to get a firm grasp on the mixing tin, placing your forefinger and middle finger on top of the strainer lid to secure it (trust me, the strainer lid can and will come off).

STIR • Pour the ingredients into a glass • Place a barspoon down the side of the glass • Stir the drink around 15 times • Stirring is similar to shaking – the drink will be cooled considerably

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