Ember New Products 2023

Whiskey Liqueur

Sheep Dog

Peanut Butter Whiskey

STYLE: Peanut Butter Whiskey Liqueur ABV: 35% Origin: U.S.A

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The aroma is peanut butter, vanilla, and caramel corn with whiskey undertones.

The thick syrupy entry is candy sweet with simple syrup, orange, and vanilla frosting flavour. Caramel corn arrives building to a peanut butter peak. It fades with vanilla and Butterscotch Lifesaver flavour. The sweet finish is warm and semi-dry leaving vanilla, peanut butter pulp, caramel, butterscotch, subtle oak, coffee, and whiskey taste.

Suggested mixer. Straight up cold, with cola or layered shot with raspberry liqueur to make a peanut butter and Jelly shot Hook. 88% of consumers who try it love it. Peanut butter is second top trending flavour* (*black swan data)


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