Wines of the World
Noble Grape Varieties
Black Grapes
White Grapes
Cabernet Sauvignon Kab-err-nay Sew-veen-yon Like Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon is widely planted all over the world and produces wines in a full range of styles from medium bodied to full bodied with a distinctive aroma and flavour character of blackcurrant. There is a lot of colour and tannins contained in the skins of this grape variety and because of this wines made from Cabernet Sauvignon are dark in colour and high in tannins. Mer-low Merlot is a softer, fruiter alternative to Cabernet Sauvignon with much lower tannins and because of this winemakers will often blend Merlot in with Cabernet Sauvignon to soften the tannins out (Bordeaux) Seer-rah (Shi-razz) Wines from this variety are deep in colour, but produce aromas and flavours of peppery spice making this quite a distinctive style of wine. In the Old World this grape is referred to as Syrah whilst in the New World it is referred to as Shiraz . Pee-no Noo-ar Unlike the other noble red grapes Pinot Noir is distinctive because of its red fruit flavour profile. Lots of summer fruits such as strawberry, raspberry and cherry tend to dominate wines from this grape variety. It also produces wines that are light in body and very low in tannin making it a perfect red wine for those trying red wine for the first time. Merlot Syrah (Shiraz) Pinot Noir
Chardonnay S har-don-nay Chardonnay is planted all over the world and makes a huge range of styles of wine from light and dry (such as Chablis) to sparkling (Champagne) to big and rich (Australia). It is a grape variety that often spends some time in oak, particularly in the New World countries as this complements to riper more fruity character of the wine produced here. Sew-veen-yon Blon-k This grape variety prefers a cooler climate and wines made from it tend to be fresh and fruity with green, citrus fruit flavour. Famous areas for producing wine from this popular grape are France (Sancerre) and New Zealand. Rees-ling Wines made from this variety can range from very dry through to incredibly sweet but always wine made from Riesling have a high level of natural acidity giving them a refreshing mouth-watering character. The home of Riesling is originally Germany and the Alsace in France; however, New World countries such as Australia and New Zealand are now producing some very good quality wines from this grape. Sauvignon Blanc Riesling
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