


ABV – Alcohol by Volume. Percentage measure of alcoholic strength, per volume of liquid sampled.

ALCOHOL – Commonly refers to ethanol and higher alcohols, giving warming, liqueur – like character.

ALE – Generic name for beer brewed using top-fermenting yeast at relatively warm temperatures.

AROMA – Aroma refers to the smell inducing chemicals detectable by the human nose.

BALANCE – The harmony between different flavour characters.

BEER – Generic name given to alcoholic beverages brewed with grains and hops.

BOTTLE CONDITIONED – Beer that undergoes a secondary fermentation and flavour maturation in the bottle due to continued presence or addition of yeast.

CASK CONDITIONED BEER – ‘Live beer’ where a secondary fermentation and flavour maturation occurs in the barrel due to continued presence or addition of yeast and fermentable sugar.

CONDITIONING – Maturation Of beer after fermentation.


FERMENTATION –Process of yeast reproduction where sugars are turned into alcohol and carbon dioxide and where flavour compounds are created.

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