Gin Fact File
The English discovered gin when they were fighting the Thirty Years’ War in the 17th century in Holland and saw Dutch soldiers drinking Jenever to boost morale before heading into battle. The term "Dutch Courage" was born, and the English brought the idea of making and drinking gin back with them.
The first confirmed date for the production of gin is the early 17th century in Holland . In Holland it was produced as a medicine and evenetually, to make it more palatable, the Dutch started to flavour it with juniper, which had medicinal properties of its own.
The Philippines drinks the most gin. The global sale of the spirit is nearly 60 million cases, and almost half of this is consumed in the Philippines.
The earliest known food pairing occurred in 1731: gingerbread. This became quite common and is still traditional in parts of England . 14
Nearly all juniper used in gin is picked wild. Almost none is cultivated.
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