Cider ingredients
Water Water is a vital part of the process: thousands of litres are used by Cider Mills on a daily basis. As the water is blended with the apple juice before fermentation. Water quality is absolutely critical to the finished product. Water provides texture and with contribute to the ciders mouthfeel.
Yeast Live yeast cells are added to the apple juice and water blend and are used to create alcohol, they feed on sugar and excrete alcohol and CO2. Yeast strains must be carefully selected to ensure that they are suitable for the type of product that is being produced, yeast selection will affect finished product and aroma.
There are more than 7,500 varieties of apple – each with their own specific and desirable qualities. Grown in orchards, apples trees crop once a year and are harvested by shaking the trees and collecting the fallen fruit from the floor. Bittersweet, Bittersharp, Culinary and even Crab apples can be used to create different flavour profiles when blended together in the finished product.
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