Nicholson's Bar Bible -Update 04/2023
Funkin Pro Pour Lime
STYLE: Our Funkin pure pour lime is made from only limes sourced in Mexico. Our all natural pure pour lime combines Persian limes with the Tahitian Spanish variety so you can add that unforgettable sharp, fresh taste to your cocktails. A consistent, hassle-free solution with no wastage or preparation .
ORIGIN : Mexico A gr en-grey brown coloured liquid
Strong characteristic of ripe lime
Strong characteristic of ripe lime
Mojito: Add mint sprigs to a long glass and bash lightly with muddler. Half-fill the glass with crushed ice and add 50ml Rum, 37 ½ ml Lime juice and 12 ½ ml Sugar syrup. Churn the mixture with a spoon. Top with soda and cap with crushed ice. Serve with a straw ‘The Hook’ ● 9% of consumers prefer citrus taste profiles in their cocktails* ● Over 20 limes in each pack saving time and reducing wastage ● Each pack makes over 40 cocktails based on 25ml citrus content ● All natural flavourings, colourings and preservatives ● Vegetarian and Vegan friendly
*CGA Mixed drinks report 2020
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